Welcome Back!!
Wednesday night, Penn State Hillel held its first ever LATKEPALOOZA. This Hanukkah party was complete with driedle, gelt, a hanukkiah and what was supposed to be a latke eating contest. There were over 200 people that showed up to celebrate the festival of lights with us! Unfortunately, there were not enough latkes for the contest. However, we did have an eating contest. Instead of scarfing 36 latkes in 2 minutes, contestants had to eat two slices of pizza and open, unwrap and eat three pieces of chocolate gelt. All of the competitors got Latkepalooza t-shirts for their fast eating, but the two fastest, Matt and Rachel got giftcards to the Penn State Bookstore. The event was filled with schmoozing and nashing and at the end of the night a few large games of dreidle broke out. Overall, it was a fantastic way to welcome Penn State students into this winter holiday.
Some more news: the new Student Board has been fully selected!! There are 16 students on our new board and we are so excited for this upcoming semester and year. At their next meeting, they will begin planning programs for the spring semester :)