Monday, November 15, 2010

Thanksgiving Shabbat

The table was set, the food was cooked, and students were arriving for Friday night services. But this was not your ordinary Shabbat. While the tables are set every Friday night, this night Friday night was different. In addition to the usual challah and grape juice, there were silver silverware, gold plates, festive napkins and cranberries galore. The food was not usual either. This week, Becky, with help from our usual chef Marisa, cooked a delicious Thanksgiving feast, complete with butternut squash soup, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, sweet potato pie, sweet and sour meatballs, corn bread, pumpkin pie, oreo pie, pumpkin muffins and homemade apple cider! On top of that, we had our second Alternative Shabbat, a discussion based service. This week's topic was the difference between being an American Jew and a Jewish American, with the conversation discussing the meaning of these two terms, if they apply, and under what conditions they apply. Overall, it was a very special Shabbat, our last service before the Thanksgiving break. So from all of us at Penn State Hillel, have a relaxing and joyous break!

Friday, November 12, 2010

What a Blast!!

Hillel does laser tag. Pictured here is one of the blue teams about to go into the laser maze against one of the red teams. We split the group into four different teams, played a few practice rounds to get used to the layout and the way the game worked and then we competed for points. The teams that weren't playing had the chance to relax and hang out, nosh on some pizza and talk strategy for their next round. Overall, it was a very exciting night!!

Tonight, we are pumped for our 5th Annual Thanksgiving Shabbat. Cooked, as always, for students by students, this Shabbat will be the last before Thanksgiving break. In addition to our regular Reform and Conservative services, tonight will feature an Alternative Shabbat Discussion about whether you believe you are a Jewish American or an American Jew. It sounds like a good topic. Check back after Shabbat for an update on the discussion and the new student board!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Sorry for the lack of blog posts this week, yet again we have been very busy. Since the Judy Meisel event, we have held a Halloween bagel brunch, an Israel night, two successful Shabbats and we have selected the new executive student board.

The Halloween bagel brunch was small and simple, a chance for students to come together, eat bagels, schmooze and discuss next year's costume ideas. Israel night was a chance for birthright students, past and present, to share their stories and pictures, while enjoying some pita and falafel, generously donated by PitaPit. Coming up this week, we will be hosting free laser tag!

Shabbat services and dinner have been the same as always. Students celebrating the end of a busy week with friends and a home cooked meal. This week, we will be hosting our second Alternative Shabbat, a discussion based alternative to the traditional prayer service. Additionally, this Shabbat is our last Shabbat before Thanksgiving break, and we will be celebrating by having a Thanksgiving-inspired Shabbat dinner, prepared by students.

Student board applications were due at the end of October and the current president as well as a former board member and a current Hillel intern in addition to some Hillel staff held interviews to select the members of the new executive board. With those decisions being made, the new president and vice president will work with Hillel staff to interview applicants to fill the positions on the general board. Congratulations are in order for current president Michal for being awarded the Philip H. and Susan Rudd Cohen Student Exemplar in Excellence Award for all of her hard and dedicated work for Penn State Hillel at the General Assembly for the Jewish Federation of North America in New Orleans, LA.